The head of a single sperm appears oval in shape from the surface view and is only about 5 thousandths of a millimeter across. From its profile, it is narrow and pointed at its free end. The head contains ~Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)~, or the characteristic determining genes. It is encased by a thin cap of protoplasm called the |acrosome|. The |acrosome| is believed to contain an ~enzyme~, hyaluronidase, that dissolves the |corona radiata|, the protective outer coat of the ovum, making sperm penetration easier. The ~enzyme~ of the |acrosome| of one sperm is insufficient to break down the ovum membrane. Therefore, contrary to popular opinion, it takes more than one spermatozoon (sperm cell) to produce a baby. Only one sperm, however, will actually penetrate the egg.